
Meissen Fraud To understand a little about Meissen fraud it is necessary to understand the different types of fraud. There are many different types of fraud. Fraud appears when the blue crossed swords mark is tampered with, the blue crossed swords mark is erased.  Authentic Meissen porcelain is recognisable by an authentic blue crossed swords mark. However

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There is a reason the images below are spaced out in the manner they are. Its all about confusing your abilities to recognise something very important and pertinent to what all collectors, buyers and sellers of Meissen know. Read the information below to learn more.         Your task today is to look

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  The Plate above illustrates the main Meissen  Trade Marks since 1720   The Story of the origins of the Meissen Crossed Swords Trade Mark Since around AD 700  China had dominated porcelain making before the discovery of making porcelain at Meissen in 1707.  The chemist and and mathetician Einfried Walter Tschirnhaus aided by his

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The Meissen Man